DIY Guide: How to Unclog a Toilet Full of Poop and Water in 6 Easy Steps

Are you facing an unfortunate and disgusting situation and want to know how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water? No one likes dealing with a clogged toilet full of poop and water. But if you find yourself in this unpleasant situation, Don’t panic! It may seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually quite simple how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water. With the right tools and instructions, you can successfully unclog the toilet and get it running again in no time. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water.

Let’s assess the situation before to know, how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water.

When faced with a clogged toilet full of poop and water, it’s important to take a moment to assess the situation. Start by checking the water level in the bowl – is it close to overflowing? If so, you’ll want to act quickly to prevent any potential flooding. Next, determine the severity of the clog. The rate of water drainage, is it slow or nonexistent? This will impact the methods you use to unclog the toilet.

Once you have a better idea of what you’re dealing with, it’s time to prepare to unclog the toilet. Make sure you have gloves and a plunger handy, and consider using a plumbing snake as well. Don’t panic – while it may not be a pleasant task, knowing how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water is a valuable skill to have in any household. With the right tools and techniques, you’ll have your toilet flowing freely again in no time.

  • Gather Necessary Materials

Before you can begin unclogging your toilet full of poop and water, you’ll need to gather a few necessary tools. Having these on hand will make the process much easier and more efficient. Here’s a list of tools you’ll need for how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water:

  1. Plunger: A plunger is an essential tool for unclogging a toilet. Make sure you have a plunger with a flange or extension on the end, as this will create a better seal around the drain hole.
  2. Toilet Snake: A toilet snake, also known as a plumbing auger, is a long flexible tool that helps break up clogs in the toilet drain. It’s especially useful for larger or more stubborn clogs.
  3. Rubber Gloves: Since you’ll be dealing with a toilet full of poop and water, it’s important to protect your hands by wearing rubber gloves. This will prevent any contamination or mess.
  4. Bucket or Trash Bag: Depending on the severity of the clog, you may need to remove some of the water from the toilet bowl. Having a bucket or a trash bag nearby will allow you to do this without making a mess.
  5. Baking Soda and Vinegar: While not exactly tools, having baking soda and vinegar on hand can be beneficial. These household items can be used to create a chemical reaction that can help dissolve clogs.

Having these necessary tools will ensure that you’re fully prepared to tackle the task of how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water. Now that you’re equipped, it’s time to get to work and get your toilet back to working order.

In the next section of how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water, we’ll explore plunge the toilet method!

  • Plunge the Toilet

Now that you’ve assessed the situation and gathered the necessary materials, it’s time to tackle the task of plunging the toilet in the process of how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water. This step is crucial in breaking up the clog and allowing the water to flow freely again. Follow these steps on how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water:

  1. Put on a pair of gloves: It’s important to protect yourself from any potential germs or bacteria present in the toilet water.
  2. Position the plunger: Make sure the plunger is submerged in the water, covering the entire drain opening. The rubber end of the plunger should form a tight seal around the drain.
  3. Create a vacuum: Press down firmly on the plunger and pull up quickly. This motion creates suction and pressure that can dislodge the clog.
  4. Repeat the process: Continue plunging the toilet for about 20 to 30 seconds. Be consistent with the force and speed of your plunges to effectively break up the clog.
  5. Check for success: After a few rounds of plunging, carefully remove the plunger and observe if the water starts to drain. If the water level decreases, it means you’ve successfully unclogged the toilet. If not, proceed to the next step.

Remember, patience is key during the process of how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water. It may take a few attempts to completely clear the clog. If the toilet is still clogged after several rounds of plunging, it’s time to move on to using a plumbing snake.

Stay tuned for the next section of how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water, where we will guide you through using a plumbing snake.

  • Use a Plumbing Snake

When it comes to how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water, plunging the toilet doesn’t seem to be doing the trick, it’s time to bring out the big guns – a plumbing snake. A plumbing snake, also known as a toilet auger, is a long flexible tool designed to reach deep into the toilet’s pipes to dislodge and remove stubborn clogs. 

Here’s how to use a plumbing snake to unclog a toilet full of water:

  1. Put on rubber gloves and safety goggles to protect yourself from any splashing water or debris.
  2. Insert the end of the plumbing snake into the toilet bowl, making sure it goes in smoothly and doesn’t scrape against the porcelain. 
  3. Slowly rotate the handle of the snake clockwise to guide it down the drain. Keep applying gentle pressure until you encounter resistance.
  4. Once you feel the resistance, continue turning the handle while pushing the snake further down. The aim is to break apart and dislodge the clog, allowing water to flow freely again.
  5. If the snake reaches the clog but doesn’t seem to be breaking it apart, try pulling it back out gently. This motion might help to catch the clog and remove it from the toilet. 
  6. If you’re unable to remove the clog using the plumbing snake, it might be necessary to call a professional plumber to handle the issue. 

Remember, using a plumbing snake can be an effective way to clear stubborn clogs, but it requires caution and patience. Be careful not to push the clog further into the pipes, as this could lead to more significant plumbing issues. If in doubt, consult a professional. 

Now that you’ve learned how to use a plumbing snake, let’s explore combination of baking soda and vinegar for how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water

  • Use a Combination of Baking Soda and Vinegar

If the plunger and toilet snake have failed to unclog your toilet full of poop and water, don’t worry, there’s still another solution to try. Using a combination of baking soda and vinegar can be an effective way to break up the blockage and get your toilet back to normal.

Here’s how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water using this simple and natural method:

  1. Start by pouring one cup of baking soda into the toilet bowl. Make sure to distribute it evenly across the water and concentrate it around the drain hole.
  2. Next, carefully pour two cups of vinegar into the bowl. The combination of baking soda and vinegar creates a chemical reaction that produces carbon dioxide gas. This gas will help to break up the clog and push it through the drain.
  3. Allow the mixture to sit for about 30 minutes. During this time, the baking soda and vinegar will work together to loosen the blockage.
  4. After 30 minutes, carefully pour a pot of hot water into the toilet bowl. The hot water will help to flush out the loosened debris and clear the drain.
  5. If necessary, repeat the process a second time. Multiple tries may be necessary to completely eliminate stubborn clogs.

It’s important to note that this method may not be as effective for severe blockages or if there are other underlying issues with your plumbing system. By following these steps, you can effectively unclog a toilet full of poop and water using a combination of baking soda and vinegar. Give it a try before resorting to harsh chemicals or calling for professional help.

If you’re still unable to unclog the toilet after trying this method, you should try chemical drain cleaner on how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water.

  • Use a Chemical Drain Cleaner as a Last Resort

When it comes to how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water and all else fails and your toilet remains stubbornly clogged with a combination of poop and water, you may need to turn to a chemical drain cleaner as a last resort for how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water. It’s important to note that this should truly be a last resort, as these products can be harsh and potentially damaging to your plumbing if used incorrectly.

Before using a chemical drain cleaner, make sure to carefully read and follow the instructions on the product label. Always wear protective gloves and goggles to protect your skin and eyes from any potential splashes or spills.

When using a chemical drain cleaner, be sure to pour the recommended amount directly into the toilet bowl, aiming for the area around the drain. Avoid excessive pouring as it can cause the cleaner to overflow onto the surrounding floor.

Allow the chemical drain cleaner to sit in the toilet bowl for the recommended amount of time specified on the product label. This will give the cleaner enough time to break down the clog and dissolve any organic matter.

After the specified time has passed, use a toilet brush to agitate the clog and help dislodge any remaining debris. Be cautious and avoid any direct contact with the cleaner, as it can still be harmful to your skin.

Once you’ve given the chemical drain cleaner sufficient time to work and have agitated the clog with a toilet brush, flush the toilet to see if the clog has been successfully cleared. If the water starts to drain and the toilet bowl returns to its normal state, congratulations! You have successfully unclogged your toilet full of poop and water.

However, if the clog remains, it may be time to consider calling a professional plumber. They have the necessary tools and expertise to tackle even the most stubborn toilet clogs.

Remember, using a chemical drain cleaner should always be a last resort in how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water. It’s important to try more natural and less harmful methods first, as they are often effective in unclogging toilets. By practicing good maintenance habits and being mindful of what goes down your toilet, you can reduce the chances of experiencing future clogs.

  • Prevent Future Clogs

After successfully knowing about how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water, the last thing you want is for it to happen again. Here are some preventative measures you can take to avoid future clogs.

  1. Watch What You Flush

Only flush toilet paper and human waste down the toilet. Anything else, such as wipes or feminine hygiene products, should be thrown away in the trash. 

  1. Use Enough Toilet Paper

Clogs can be caused by using too much toilet paper all at once. Be sure to use the appropriate amount of toilet paper, and if you need more, flush and repeat rather than trying to flush it all at once.

  1. Keep a Trash Can Nearby

If you have guests over, make sure there is a trash can nearby so they don’t feel tempted to flush inappropriate items down the toilet.

  1. Use Enzyme-Based Cleaners

Enzyme-based cleaners are a safe and effective way to break down waste and prevent clogs. Use them regularly to keep your toilet functioning properly.

By following these preventative measures, you can avoid having to figure out how to unclog a toilet full of poop and water again in the future.

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